These are the taga written by HEMANTH: Anti-Trojan Elite™ (ATE) Software Downloads , Browser , Fire fox , Mozilla Firefox 3.1 Beta 2 released Only a few months after releasing Firefox 3 worldwide, the guys over at Mozilla present us with the next step in their never-ending development agenda: the first beta version of Firefox 3.1 Firefox 3.1 Beta hardly includes any outstanding features, at least regarding the browser's external appearance. Web developers though will be glad to know that the new Firefox supports CSS 2.1 and CSS 3 properties, has improved Web standards in the Gecko layout engine and now features a much faster Tracemonkey JavaScript engine. But what about the average Firefox user who spend a few hours every day browsing the web? Well, there are a couple of new features that make the new Firefox even easier and more comfortable to use. One of them is the tab switching tool that comes up with Ctrl+Tab, which has been completely redone and now shows previews...
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